quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

Uma oração de agradecimento

Senhor meu Deus

Obrigada Senhor por tudo que tens realizado na minha vida.
Confesso que não foi fácil seguir a Tua vontade na minha vida.
Muitas vezes fiquei preocupada, anciosa, desconfiada...
pensava em como seria tudo, deveria eu recomeçar?
recomeçar minha vida aos 30 anos?
depois de fazer faculdade, ser bem sucedida no meu trabalho, amada por minha família e amigos
como EU recomeçar?
Sim!! Recomeçar...
Sempre fui humilde, mas tinha orgulho do que tinha...
e agora?
sem trabalho, sem cartão de crédito, sem salão de beleza pra fazer as unhas toda semana...
Tudo é passageiro Senhor.

Tenho muitos defeitos meu Deus
perdoa-me pelas minhas fraquezas

Obrigada por ouvir minhas orações, meus clamores, minhas angústias
O meu Deus é o Deus do impossível

Minha vida é abençoada pois tive pais que oraram por mim,
que me ensinaram a seguir os caminhos retos e certos
para que um dia eu possa andar pelas ruas de ouro e cristal.
Obrigada meu pai e minha mãe que tanto fizeram por mim e que
ainda fazem

Obrigada Senhor por minhas irmãs queridas que eu tanto amo
Oro para que elas sejam guardadas debaixo das Tuas mãos
Mesmo de longe posso continuar tendo momentos de alegria com elas
Obrigada irmãzinhas por me ensinarem a ser uma adoradora melhor ao vê-las trabalhar na igreja

Obrigada Senhor por segurar na minha mão quando assim eu O pedi
Tive dias de choro e tristeza mas a alegria veio pela manhã
Tive vontade de voltar mas sei que Tens uma obra a ser cumprida por intermédio de mim

Assim como eu canto na cancão
eu posso dizer que vivi esta canção
Por quantas vezes eu a cantei na igreja, por tantos anos
mas hoje eu vivi a transformação do vazo novo
ser quebrantada
viver sem tudo que eu tinha por vários anos
não ter as pessoas que eu mais amo por perto
não ver faces familiares ao meu redor
como sobreviver sem tudo que eu sabia fazer?
sem conversar na minha própria língua por semanas?
tentar trabalhar em uma terra estranha?
ser capaz de me encontrar e me valorizar?

Obrigada Senhor por me fazer andar sobre as águas
vencer o inimigo

Obrigada por me ensinar a valoriza o que tenho mas principalmente pelo que eu sou,
Obrigada por me entregar um esposo maravilhoso que com muita paciência me ensinou
os segredos desse lugar estranho
Ele, Senhor, nem sabia que estava sendo usado por Ti para me abençoar
Meu esposo, meu amor... Pai querido, obrigada por realizar a promessa que há 15 anos que falaste
sobre meu casamento
Obrigada por me conservar e guiar-me a esperá-lo e aceitá-lo
Obrigada Senhor por me ensinar a ser uma esposa dedicada e amável
Sem o amor do meu esposo, eu não seria feliz como sou hoje

Devo agradecer pela família Paul que eu acolheu com tanto carinho e amor
Como Tu trabalhas com perfeição, meu Pai

Obrigada por consolar minha família e amigos que tanto sinto falta,
mas que em breve poderei vê-los e compartilhar mais bençãos para nossa edificação
Tenho todos guardados no meu coração

Pai, conserva-me fiel e crente em Teu amor
Que a cada dia eu posso Te servir com mais gratidão

Tudo para honra e gória do nosso Senhor Jesus

terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

Resumé Improvements

There is a website that really rocks in terms of helping writing resumés.
Go to http://jobmob.co.il/ and find many ideas to shape your curriculum. You will find articles, adjectives that describe skills, comments and much more.

sábado, 24 de julho de 2010

The Electric Company

Created in 1970, the Electric Company was created to entertain and teach children English while they watched television.
In a digital era, the show was modernized and adapted to the new children audience. All the episodes provide educative activities which adults can also learn.
I found it interesting for foreign students learn how to pronounce words and express sentences in different tone of voice.

Some videos and search material below.

The Electric Company in 1971.

Interview with the executive producer.

The Electric Company in 2008.

Watch the episodes and clips.

quarta-feira, 14 de julho de 2010

Curiosities about New York, part I

Walking on the streets of New York City I come across with some interesting figures.

Hispanic singers in the subway and a statue of the size of a person on a corner on the 5th Street.
This souvenirs are not only used for Christmas!

Do you need to use the restroom? Make sure you read the information first. This car is easy to park!!

This car on the Porto Rico`s Day.

Revelation Song

I was listening to the new Diante do Trono songs for the 13th DVD Aleluia, and saw Ana Paula Valadão sing A Canção do Apocalipse. As it is a version of the Revelation Song, I found the original version of the song written in 2004 by Jennie Lee Riddle. Kari Jobe who is one of my favorite singers nowadays, sings the song with Gateway Church worship group.

Click on the different videos and have access to an Interview with the songwriter, Diante do Trono version and Kari Jobe singing.

Gateway Worship - Revelation Song lyrics | LyricsMode.com

God bless your life and all the nations of the world.

terça-feira, 8 de junho de 2010

The New York Times

If you are not in New York to buy the most famous newspaper, the newspaper reaches to you in a simple click. In addiction, you can also see the news.

The New York Times has a multimedia page full of videos, photos and articles about latest news.
While you read what interests you, the text offers underlined addictional information in case you miss a recall of what exactly each name refers to.
The videos are particularly appealling to me. Check this one about Finding Models in Rural Brazil.

quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

What`s your English, South Africa?

In a World Cup year, everybody wonders how the country is, how the population live their every day life, how is the food and so on.
For English teachers it is a challenge to show our students how the English is spoken in different countries. Not only do I enjoy this challenge, but also I look for real examples of how the language is used in a daily basis.
Macmillan Education prepared a video on how is Sounth English is. Look at this video!
If you click on the other 4 videos right on name of the publisher, you will see more useful examples.

There is also a Macmillan Dictionary of Global English and Language with blog pages of different English sopken in the world. It is worth checking.

Let`s keep swapping our English!!
See you soon folks.

sexta-feira, 14 de maio de 2010

Bossa Blue

Bossa Blue is a mix of bossa nova ( from Brazil) and harp bop.

Read about Chris Standring who plays beautifully this jazz tune.

What is possible to be done with a guitar?

There are two amazing musicians I admire for their impeccable performances:
Yamandú Costa, a Brazilian prodigy musician from Rio Grande do Sul. He was born in a family who breathes music. By reading his biography, it is easy to know why he is considered to be one of the 10 best guitarists in Brazil:

''What is new or unique about Yamandu? He plays the 7-string guitar (a different instrument with different sound potential) and exploits the seventh string on the low end so that you hear two melodies or counterpoint lines and sweeping bass note swipes. The sound he delivers is an amalgam of Choro, the most played music in Brazil, with Gaucho melodies and dance rhythms producing a distinctly new sound. Most important, his style is unique: he has an aggressive masculine attack, with strong, firm fingering and explosion in his execution--technical brilliance (Frank Cherry) .''
Read his biograph in Portuguese. Read his biograph in English.
One of his videos on YouTube

A French/Canadian musician who plays rumba flamenco guitar has got me into a delicious song th other day. I first heard Havana, then I had to google him to find more songs which was not difficult due to his repertoire on the internet. Jesse Cook had a traditional musician tragetory but gave a chance to other kind od instruments to idealize his own style which is contagious. Yet, his website is a melody to read: www.jessecook.com. Read his biograph.
Watch one of his videos.

domingo, 14 de março de 2010

U.S. SECRETARY OS STATE, Hillary R. Clinton in Brazil

I was watching Mrs. Clinton's "townterview" in Brasília-São Paulo this evening when I thought of sharing the link with my readers so that you can also watch the entire interview at Unipalmares University in São Paulo.
Throughout the interview, I had a chance to get to know her more and follow her concerns about Iran, women in politics, education, Obama's election, Afro-students and education as the key to achieve goals in life, economy, Brazil and much more.
To watch the interview, please click here.
To read more about Hillary's visit to Brazil, click here.

terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010

Keeping the candle burning...

Being a teacher is a lifelong project.
Every time we find somehting interesting we think of showing it to our students.
We have the desire to share what we have of the best.
It keeps our mind working to find out more about the world.

domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010

Hillsong Australia

Time to think and decide what we want for our lives!! Should we stand and wait the best to happen in this world? It could take a long tiring time.
We have a hope.
Hillsong is indeed the best gospel band in the world.
The new album is in my hands. It is one of my favorites now.


Sharing thoughts.. or is it Food for Thought?

Lurking around my twitter friends, I came across an interesting thought. It sounds more like a poem to me but perhaps it can make you reflect what are our real differences: Take me as I am by Maru.
It is an English teachers` space but why not share it with all my dear bloggers.

sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010

Minha Filha vai se casar

Achei um blog só sobre casamento de famosos ou quase famosos pois nunca sabemos quem é, foi ou será realmente famoso nesse mundo de 5 minutos de fama. De qualquer forma, achei muito legal poder ver como pessoas comuns e/ou famosas tem o sonho de se casar e ser feliz. O mais legal ainda é o nome do blog ser MINHA FILHA VAI CASAR!! Achei super 10!

Presidente Lula

Encontrei um blog que traz algumas Pérolas do presidente Lula em suas visitas por este mundo...